Monday, September 6, 2010

Mrs. Andrzejewski's Class!!

Hey everyone! I figured I would introduce myself a little since this is my first post. My name is Chase Smith and am 19 years old. This coming year I will be traveling the world and blogging with you throughout the first part of the year! So this week I am in Geneva Switzerland. We just got here two days ago, and it is my first time away from North America. While we are here we are having lectures at the United Nations. What do you think the role of the United Nations is? And can you find out where the headquarters are?


  1. Dear Chase,
    We found the answers to your questions.
    The primary role of the United Nations is to promote peace among the member countries of the world. The goal is to stop conflict by collectively addressing issues and policies that could cause disagreement among and between the nations of the world.

    The headquarters of the United Nations in Europe is located in Geneva.

    The headquarters of the United Nations in the USA is located on an 18 acre site on the east side of Manhattan. Mrs. A went there as a little girl!

    What is your favorite county you’ve been to so far? Why did you like it there? What is the wickedest food you’ve tried so far?

    Good luck and safe traveling!!!!!!
    Best wishes,
    Mrs. Andrzejewski’s class
    Your letter makers and researchers,
    Grace, Shae, and Brenna :)

  2. Hi Grace, Shae and Brenna,
    You did a great job answering the questions! My favorite country that I have been to so far has to be Turkey. I really loved the city Istanbul because of its rich culture and history. I love history and seeing the old city of Constantinople (after it was conquered it was renamed Istanbul), has been a blessing for me. Also I was able to see the Hagiasophia, one of the most stunning and beautiful Cathedrals of the ancient times. I am not entirely sure what the most wicked food I have tried is, because there are many times that I have no idea what I am eating... but I would say that I have had some very weird and interesting cheese and some very sketchy meats. Thanks for the comments and I hope to be hearing from you soon!
